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Harley-Davidson Dubai
Harley-Davidson Fat Bob 114 2019
Nema zapisa o nezgodama
Probna vožnja
69900 AED
6665 km
3900 cm³
Snaga (h.p.):
94 hp
Tip goriva:
The Fat Bob® is all Harley-Davidson, but at the same time, it’s unlike any Harley® motorcycle that ever existed before. From the modern, aggressive look of its 2-1-2 upswept exhaust and tarmac-devouring fat tyres to the massive torque of the Milwaukee-Eight® engine to the ride of the Softail® frame, inverted front forks and easily adjustable rear suspension, it’s built to shake up the status quo. This is for the rider that wants to break new ground at a high rate of speed.